
Scarlet Honeycreeper, Drepanis coccinea


Scarlet Honeycreeper, Drepanis coccinea

The ‘I’iwi is a large, nectarivorous honeycreeper about 6 inches in length. They are brilliant scarlet with black wings and tail. Their bill is long, deeply decurved, and peach-colored. Immature are dull yellow with black spots. Bills are dusky brown at first and becomes brightly colored with age. Their bright colors and unique bill make them one of the most recognizable honeycreepers. ‘I’iwi are loud and raucous and, like ʻĀkohekohe, are often aggressive to other species near nectar sources. Their long decurved bill is thought to be adapted to feeding on long, tubular flowers like the endemic Hawaiian Lobelioids (Campanulaceae). However, they will drink nectar from a wide variety of plant species including some with very small flowers. 

Cultural Significance

The eye-popping crimson color of this unique honeycreeper made it an object of fascination for early Polynesians, whom used the ‘I’iwi feathers for cultural crafts.

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'I'iwi listed as Threatened under ESA, 2017 (USFWS)

Once one of the most common forest birds in the Hawaiian Islands, the ‘I’iwi is now protected as a Threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.


Listen to 'I'iwi

Varied repertoire of creaks, whistles, gurgles, and reedy notes often joined into a halting song. A loud rusty-hinge call diagnostic. May give humanlike whistles, or imitate other native birds.

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Habitat and Behavior

Often found in flowering ʻōhiʻa lehua, māmane, and ‘ākala. ‘I’iwi rarely stop moving and call often as they forage. While feeding, they keep to the interior of leafy branches, before bursting out to quickly fly to another tree. Wings produce an audible flutter in flight.

Past and Present

Endemic to the main Hawaiian islands in native forests above 4,500 ft. Common to abundant on Hawai’i and Maui, becoming rare on Kaua’i, and extremely rare or extinct on Moloka’i and Oʻahu. This species has seen the a drastic population decline in recent decades. On Maui, the once widespread ‘I’iwi is largely restricted to upper elevation native forests on windward East Maui and the non-native forests of Kula Forest Reserve. There is a small population located high up on West Maui.

Conservation Efforts

In 2017, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the ‘I’iwi as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). ‘I’iwi are highly susceptible to avian malaria and are in a decline because of this. Creating more high elevation forest that is ungulate and mosquito free will help protect the birds. Measures to control invasive species such as cats, rats, mongooses, and mosquitoes are essential to helping the ‘I’iwi.

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