ʻAlalā (Hawaiian Crow; Corvus hawaiiensis) is the last endemic Corvid species found in the Hawaiian Islands. They are now considered extinct in the wild. Fossil evidence shows that Corvus hawaiiensis, or a very similar subspecies, was found on Maui and Hawaiʻi Islands. Their documented range on Hawaiʻi Island covered forest habitats from 1,000 feet in elevation to about 8,200 feet in elevation. ʻAlalā were known to exist throughout their historic range on Hawaiʻi Island from the 1800ʻs, but the wild population started to decrease dramatically. By 1976 there were only 76 individuals, by 1992 there were only 13, and in 2002 the last pair of birds were seen in the wild.
Like many other native forest bird species, ʻalalā are primarily threatened by non-native species, loss and/or alteration of habitat, and introduced diseases. Wide-scale deforestation for agriculture and livestock grazing has reduced the amount of forest cover on the islands to a fraction of prehistoric levels. The subsequent addition of invasive plant and animal species further eroded the extent of native forest and reduced forest quality throughout the island. Furthermore, introduced avian diseases such as avian pox, avian malaria, and toxoplasmosis effect ʻalalā. Non-native vectors such as mosquitoes and free-ranging cats spread these diseases.
ʻAlalā are the sole surviving member of 5 endemic corvid species once found on at least four of the main Hawaiian Islands. Fossil evidence shows ʻalalā, or a similar subspecies, to have been found on Maui and Hawaiʻi Islands. The last wild individuals were found within the South Kona district of Hawaiʻi Island.
Reintroduction efforts began in 2016 with the release of ‘alalā into the Puʻu Makaʻala Natural Area Reserve on Hawaiʻi Island. Releases continued through 2019. A total of 29 birds were released in Puʻu Makaʻala Natural Area Reserve. With increased mortalities, release efforts were paused and the remaining 5 ‘alalā were recaptured and returned to the conservation breeding program. Many of the mortalities were due to a native predator, ‘io (Hawaiian Hawk), as well as introduced predators and inclement weather. The partners of The ʻAlalā Project began working towards the next steps in the reintroduction process. Reintroduction efforts shifted to releasing birds within Maui Nui, where ‘io do not occur. Releasing ‘alalā on Maui could help to bring ‘alalā back to Hawai’i Island in the future. If we are able to increase their numbers in the wild and encourage wild behaviors they may be able to coexist with ‘io in the future as they once did in the past.
Over the last few years, MFBRP and partners have been preparing for the conservation introduction of ‘alalā to Maui. This included submitting an environmental assessment, securing permitting, identifying funding, creating a translocation plan, conducting working group meetings and cultural and biological assessments, determining and preparing field sites, and training the birds for life in the wild. Five ‘alalā were moved to their release aviaries in October 2024. During the initial release period, MFBRP and San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (SDWA) staff will monitor and take care of the birds.
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