
Ways you can help

Donate Financially

If you would like to financially support ongoing conservation efforts for our native birds’ donations via check, cash, or credit card can be accepted by Nā Koa Manu Conservation Inc. You will receive a letter that verifies your tax-deductible donation after the donation is received. Nā Koa Manu Conservation, Inc. (NKMC) is our non-profit fiscal sponsor and will be stated on the tax credit information. Thank You!

By Cash or Check
Please send a tax-deductible donation made out to Nā Koa Manu Conservation to:
NKMC c/o Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project
2465 Olinda Road
Makawao, HI 96768

By Credit Card
Use PayPal’s secure online donation form to donate by credit card:

Click here to donate now

Donate Stock

If you would like to support ongoing conservation efforts by donating stock via Nā Koa Manu Conservation click here: Inc Donate Stock To Na Koa Manu Conservation Inc.

Save the Forest, Save the Birds

It takes a community of dedicated individuals and support to make conservation happen

Donate Now!Act Now!

You are donating to : Nā Koa Manu Conservation helping MFBRP to protect and recover Mauiʻs forest birds

How much would you like to donate?
$25 $50 $100
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
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